Bringing Leather Back to Life.
When the hunted animal was welcomed into our midst, the Basque farmhouse was born. Human and beast rest around the same fire. The ice is left behind. Wildness is wrapped in trust. Sheep in sheep’s clothing, goats in goats’ clothing, horses in horses’ clothing, boars in pigs’ clothing, wolf in sheep’s clothing, a person in friend’s clothing. Fold the skin of the unfolded animal and take home the memory of the animal, which, by choosing to stay, was consenting to our future.
Del animal perseguido al animal invitado nace el caserío. Humano y bestia descansan al mismo fuego. Atrás dejan el hielo. Salvaje envuelto en confianza. Oveja con piel de oveja, cabra con piel de cabra, caballo con piel de caballo, jabalí con piel de cerdo, lobo con piel de cordero, persona con piel de amiga. Dobla tú la piel del animal desdoblado y vuelve a tu casa el recuerdo del animal que, al detenerse, consintió nuestro futuro.
Producto realizado en colaboración con Iker Ramos.
Product made in collaboration with Iker Ramos.